The Next Step Wiki

So I've decided to let a user become admin of this wiki in March when season 2 of TNS arrives. One problem, some of you guys think that if you do a few edits or ask you can become admin. That's not the case. Admin is a hard job if taken properly. This wiki is going to keep growing meaning there's going to be alot of work so having a few edits on this wiki is not going to cut it. Because of this, I decided to list out the things you must do before I can allow you to be admin.

  1. You must have inleast 300 edits. Please use useful edits not edits that are just pointless. I will make sure your edits are not just comments you left but actual edits.
  2. You must be nice to users of all kinds. No mean comments to any users and help them is they need any.
  3. You must follow the rules. This is pretty obvious but  anyone who breaks inleast one rule and gets a ban will no longer be able to be admin.
  4. You must be here often. You guys may not know this but I check up on this wiki everyday, I don't edit every day but I do check up alot. I want you guys to check up on this wiki alot so if there is any vandalism, I know there will be someone there to fix the problem.

Well this is what I'm asking for now but I may change some things. Also if you do qualify, please write a nice letter to me on my Message Wall to tell me why you want to be admin. If you give me a letter like this

Hello I've done alot on this wiki and I love the next step so I would like to be admin.

You would probably never get it. So good luck to you all and leave comments below on your thoughts. Remember, you have 5 months now to prove your worthy so don't give up.Stay true to you and keep dancing~Bimbola1 (talk) 23:47, November 1, 2013 (UTC)
