The Next Step Wiki

Zoltan is a little bit crazy, but he's a genius.

Giselle, "Work It"

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Zoltan is a English fashion designer who is responsible for the primary designs of A-Troupe's uniforms.


Before the Show

Zoltan became a fashion designer and hired Minnow, partially due to his alleged expertise in categorization.[1]

Season 2

Zoltan first appears on a poster at the mall.[2]

Zoltan arrives to Studio A unannounced to assist in the creation of A-Troupe's uniforms, which he deems to be charity work. He pitches three different designs to the dancers and after they make their pick, shortly after which Zoltan charges Kate $78,325.19 for them. Later, he is summoned back to the studio, and while there, receives a phone call indicating that the models for his fashion show are stuck in Milan. Hearing this, the dancers suggest that they model for his fashion, and Zoltan begrudgingly agrees to the idea. When the fashion show ends successfully, Zoltan lets the dancers have their uniforms for free.[1]

Zoltan appears twice more in a poster at the mall.[3][4]


Zoltan is an inadvertently silly person despite having a very serious and precise mentality, especially when it comes to fashion. He is a leader, and often bosses his colleague, Minnow, around. His expertise also causes him to be quite patronizing and entitled, as he deems creating designs for A-Troupe to be charity work and charges them over $70,000 for simple uniforms.[1]

Zoltan is very observant (or psychic, as suggested by Riley) as he knows James is a laid-back-don't-even-worry-about-it type of guy, despite not hearing James utter the phrase before his accusation.

Physical appearance

Zoltan is a tall, dark-haired man with light skin. He wears black-framed glasses and a red suit jacket atop a blue shirt and an untied garishly-patterned bow-tie for almost the entirety of his appearance on the show.


Season 2


Main article: Zoltan/Quotes


Kathy Riley season 3 episode 13 "Look at that painting!"

To view the Zoltan gallery, click here.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 "Work It." Wikia. Retrieved on January 31, 2016.
  2. "My Boyfriend's Back." Wikia. Retrieved on September 22, 2016.
  3. "Game On." Wikia. Retrieved on September 22, 2016.
  4. "Just Dance." Wikia. Retrieved on September 22, 2016.